X Mas Gift to our parents-9224335577
24th December1983, It has been 22 years and I remember that I was enjoying my Christmas eve with my Mom and Dad. They woke me up from the sleep and told me that Santa had come to our house while I was asleep and he has left a gift big too big to fit in the stocking.
I quickly unwrapped the gift and it was a grahambell's model of toy telephone with ring and lights. I still have that gift with me. Little did I know then, that section 498A was already passed the same day in the parliament and that my sweet innocent parents would be facing a threat one day from the misuse of 498A, even 22 years later.
Some parents of my victim brothers are already suffering from the false charges and the ignominy faced as an aftermath of 498A charges from their cunning daughters in law. But since our parents have bought us up with right values and morals, we are not going to give up. We will do anything and everything to our best possible capacity to fight back and protect them and our siblings too.
As a result we brothers in Arms have launched Helpline at Mumbai on the occasion of Christmas and on sad 23rd Birthday of IPC 498A. We are playing the Santa Claus for a change and gifting this helpline to the innocent parents and their Families.
We will guide the victims FREE, to the best of our capacity in combating this dirty situation.
They can contact us on 9224 33 55 77.
This is operated by the guys next door who have been either victimised or face a threat. We will be handling this apart from our jobs. Hence at times when we are amid our meetings we may not respond the call, but that should not frustrate the callers as we can always be notified by SMS in such cases.