Identity Crises of sLave indian family
In other words the Indian law in this case is quite generalizing. For a better explanation lets get Back to Basics, i.e my 1st article where I started from. I wrote about 4 cases where the law need not take care in First 2 cases, since they can take care of the situations themselves. Case 3 is recognized where the husband is like Rakshash and wife is like Sita. But the Identity crises starts with the case 4, as law refuses to identify this combination where the girl is like surpanakha and guy is like Ram. And treats the couple under the case 3 identification only. They infact need a Separate Identity in this 'Democratic and Republic Atmosphere'.
Now the Definitions: (as per the oxford)
Democracy: (noun), Government by all the people, direct or representative; form of society ignoring hereditary class distinctions and tolerating minority views.
Republic: (noun), A State in which supreme power is held by the people or its elected representatives or by elected or nominated president, not by monarch etc; (fig.)society with equality between members.
Americans choose one of these (republicans or democrats), every 4 years. Where as in India? Well… They claim they take best of both sides. But, since nothing is perfect, negatives also come attached along with this bhelpuri. In one such case the best goes to one gender and the loop holes come to the other.
Someone gets all the identity of being protected and other is on the end of making perpetual favors by some virtues called duties. I call this as over fencing.
Every time we talk about our innocence there are loads of people with statistics to support stating that there are so many dowry deaths etc etc etc. Hey wait!!! I did not tell them neither to give nor take dowry. Why should I bear the burden of those? Infact I belonged to the brigade of those who supported the ruthless law that punished the culprits. (with a little knowledge of its misuse) till it was about to be tried on me and my innocent parents. So I realized that we need a Separate Identity. According to me there should be nothing like majority or minority as guilty has to be punished with no strings attached and not victims at any level.
But for the sake of understanding let us analyze the case in the purview of definitions of Democracy and Republic:
A) Minority Report : Now, as per the statistics that femilitants give, for the moment let us accept their attested theory which states that "actual cases are in majority and there are rare cases of 498A misuse”, Then as per that statement the victims like us fall under minority and the definition states that Democracy is all about tolerating (accept) minority views too. Now I am sure you all will start supporting the idea of Republicans. But well in that case too nobody should be denied of justice.
B) Ignoring Hereditary views : On this point the daughters have rightly got their share in the parental property, now also let us discard the undue protection that Surpanakhas get under Hindu Marriage Act. In spite of them breaching most of or all the Seven Vows in most of the cases, which is ignored by law and no identity to innocent husbands seeking divorce is given.
As per the republic definition:
A) Society with equality in members:
I remember Rachna telling me in Europe where equality is in burden and responsibility sharing too. So both partners should earn. And alimony should not be a parasitic tool rather only in selected cases where the lady is acutally dependent and not capable of earning. Here nobody should be pseudo abla and everyone should be equal. And I support this vehemently. But in India the abla status given to even supanakhas give them the facility to suck the wealth of Ram and his family. Again failing to give a Separate Identity.
Identity crises in society too:
“Now, that is your side of the story.” I came across many people who told me this every time that I was been made to narrate my story to them.
Further the same statement “that is your side of the story” was heard with some social workers and counselors too. I wonder if the same statement would have been made to a girl who had gone to register a false complaint for the atrocities made by her In Laws.
I do not defy anyone labeling my narration as 'my side of the story', because as a representative of truth I do not fear litmus tests, but my question is why this is not asked when a girl goes to register a complaint or even during gossips where they are accompanied by the unlimited stocks of crocodile tears. They are taken on face value. The truth is the misuse of 498A is on rise. And the mis branding of ladkewalas is now a fashion statement, eclipsing the very fact of a requirement of Separate Identity.
This mis branding is very painful. Is it that females speak only truth? Is there any other statistic to support this???? Law made under this assumption has made a sLave of Indian families. Please Save Indian Families.
So, You don’t believe that women lie? Okay!!! To start with, ask my age, I will truly say that it is 30 years and 7 months or any other male in that case, but ask a women and there starts the first lie (you know what I mean). The rest follows…. :-D